Региональное Объединение Специальных Наплавочных Материалов и Сплавов (ООО РОСНАМИС»)

+7(8634) 32-81-17


1. Tungsten scrap (bar, crucible, rod, sheet, powder, etc.)

2. Molybdenum scrap (bar, crucible, rod, wire, sheet, etc.)

3. Hard alloy scrap VK6 VK8 (bushings, plates, dies)

4. We constantly purchase from storage, illiquid stock, reserves for our own needs (subsequent processing) in any quantity -
Tungsten: rod, wire, waste products made from this metal, tungsten sheets, tungsten crucibles, tungsten boats, rods of the SVI, VL, VA, HF brands; tungsten rod brand ShVV; tungsten powders PVT, PVN, PV-1, PV-2, VChDK, PV0, low-carbon tungsten carbide, PVP, PPV, etc. 
Surfacing powders: PG-10N-01, PG-10N-04, PG-12N-01, PG-12N-02, PG-SR2, PG-SR3, PG-SR4, PT-NA-01, PR-NH17SR4 (PR -N70X17S3R4), PR-NX16SR3 (PR-N73X16S3R3), PR-NX15SR2 (PR-N78X15S3R2), PR-NX13SR (PR-N80X13S2R), PR-NX9S3R2, PR-NX18SR4, PR-NX25R3 (PR-N56X25S3R3); Relit "Z".
Carbide plates, dies, dies, any products from alloy VK-6, VK-8, VK-10.