Региональное Объединение Специальных Наплавочных Материалов и Сплавов (ООО РОСНАМИС»)

+7(8634) 32-81-17

Wear-resistant bimetallic pipes RTT

Wear-resistant welded pipes and pipeline elements are the best solution in the field of wear protection of components and parts of technological equipment operating under conditions of intense abrasive wear.

The basis of wear-resistant pipes is low-carbon or low-alloy steel with an internal welded wear-resistant layer.

Standard pipe length is up to 2000 mm.

Diameter from 150 mm to 1900 mm.

Wall thickness from 4 to 25 mm.

The thickness of the deposited coating is from 3 to 16 mm.

RTT pipes are manufactured using two technologies:

  • by deformation method (cold rolling) of a workpiece from a wear-resistant plate with a deposited layer inward; in this case, the minimum diameter of the cylindrical workpiece is 500 mm;
  • by electric arc surfacing of standard (hot-rolled or electric-welded) pipes in special installations; the minimum possible diameter of pipes manufactured using this method is 150 mm.


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