Региональное Объединение Специальных Наплавочных Материалов и Сплавов (ООО РОСНАМИС»)

+7(8634) 32-81-17

Wear-resistant composite elements

Composite wear-resistant elements are steel tubes (GOST 8642-68, GOST 13663-86) with a cross-section of 20x30 mm and 30x30 mm with a wall thickness of 2-3 mm, into which crushed hard alloy VK6, VK8 is poured (65 -85%) and nickel-containing brass (15-35%).

Nickel-containing brass is used grade LN65-5 (Cu 64-67%, Ni 5-6.5%, the rest is zinc). After heating by the inductor, the brass melts inside the steel tube, resulting in the formation of a wear-resistant brass matrix with crushed tungsten carbide.

Composite elements are welded by electric or gas welding onto parts of machines and mechanisms that are subject to intense abrasive wear. They find their application in the mining industry (lining of buckets of loading machines, vibrating units, dump truck bodies, bunkers, reloading devices), cement industry (lining of excavator buckets, separators, transport boxes), metallurgical industry (lining of volutes and blades of process fans, sintering machines, conveyor elements), etc.


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